marcel barang

Posts Tagged ‘Chansongs’

Let a hundred flowers wilt bloom

In English on 10/06/2011 at 9:22 pm

Or at least three or four.
This blog is branching out. Look at the bottom of this page and you will see three new links (don’t try them just now):

– to เรื่องสั้นไทย | thai to english fiction, where, if all goes as planned,
(Ah-hum! Take a deep breath, Marcel.)
starting next Friday, I will publish, every other Friday, one contemporary or classical Thai short story in both Thai and English with side remarks on translation problems and solutions – and comments will be welcome indeed;

– to Thai fiction in English, where I’ll offer, as a bonus to amateurs of good Thai tales, some or perhaps even all 28 short stories that were published in the Bangkok Post between 2008 and earlier this year – to make them freely and easily accessible, which is no longer the case at the esteemed periodical, which charges for Archives stuff – and a few more from earlier days; I’ve already posted a good dozen of them, to be made public as soon as the above blog starts; and

– to Thai fiction in translation, if you feel like ordering (PDF-formatted) e-books, now that digital reading platforms are becoming a must-have – let’s all Kindle that fire. But perhaps, given the below-par performance of the site, I and potential buyers would be better off with a link to a more professionally run platform, immaté, which peddles the very same books (they even offer EPUB versions now, thanks to Apple Stores!). Let me think about it and consult my elders.

Actually, I also have a fourth blog at WordPress, entitled Chansongs, where I intend to regroup all the songs and poems – about a hundred so far – I translate as a pastime from French into English and occasionally vice versa. But it is dormant and it can wait.

The next step, if my heart holds and my nemesis agrees, will be to regroup these budding flowers into a single bouquet, a fully fledged website where I will call the shots. But this might prove to be a tall order.

Oh, by the way, why Friday next?
It happens to be someone’s birthday.